How Learning Karate Can Prevent Your Child from Being Bullied

Every day, millions of children go off to school, a place where they should be free to learn, grow and develop in a peaceful and friendly environment. Sadly, however, some kids become the victims of bullying, in fact 1 in 4 Australian students experience bullying at some stage during their school life. Integrated Combat Centre is the Sydney martial arts academy trusted by parents to safely educate their children in the martial art forms of BJJ, Karate, Kickboxing and MMA. Learning martial arts will arm kids with the invaluable tools and skills they need to deal with physical confrontation and prevent them from becoming a victim of bullies. If you want to keep your child safe in the schoolyard, read on to find out how Karate and other martial arts can help.

Self-Defence Skills

Bullies don’t usually pick on someone their own size or someone who can fight back. Martial arts such as Karate equip children with the principles of self-defence. If your child is faced with a physical confrontation, a child practising martial arts will have the knowledge and power to physically defend themselves. Some bullies are intent on hurting others so it is important that our children know how to protect themselves and others around them. A child who can rebuff a bully’s assault will not be a victim.


Bullies usually have a lack of confidence themselves and that makes them feel the need to bring others down to make themselves feel good. BJJ, Karate and other martial art forms work to boost a child’s morale and confidence, helping them to understand their capabilities, their limits and their personal skills. They also gain a better understanding of their peers and how to socially interact appropriately.

Conflict Resolution

One of the lessons taught by martial arts is the value of peaceful resolution. Martial arts is not all about fighting and violence, while it does teach students how to protect themselves physically from harm, ultimately it teaches how to dissolve a difficult situation with minimal force and effort.

Importantly, children will learn that when a situation does call for physical force, they will understand the most efficient way to control the situation.

Real Life Values

To end the bullying epidemic in our schools, we should not only teach our children to avoid the act of bullying, but also to understand why it is bad. Martial arts instil children with real human values such as honesty, integrity, humility, respect, courage, discipline, and compassion. Learning these values helps kids to understand that their words and actions have a great effect on others, which can help them in schoolyard and in the real world as they get older.

Even if your child is not currently being bullied, learning karate or BJJ in Sydney could ensure he or she never becomes a victim. Kids and teenagers with martial arts training are less likely to be intimidated by acts of aggression, meaning bullies won’t consider them as a target.

To learn more about the benefits of kids martial arts or to book your child in for a 2 weeks unlimited  trail contact ICC today. Conveniently located in Peakhurst, we are one of the leading academies for kids martial arts for Padstow and Hurstville locals. Get in touch with us online now.

Give our BJJ program a go and experience the improvements to all of these fields. It is considered to be an excellent first style where the skills are easily transferable.


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